Proudly Serving Charlottesville & Surrounding Areas
Corona Virus Statement

Corona Virus Statement

Zephyr is open during our normal business hours. We cannot say it is business as usual because these are not "usual" times. Since heating and air conditioning are considered as essential business, we are still operating to help customers with HVAC emergency needs.

To that end, we will not work in your home if we have any symptoms of illness. You may see us wear gloves or masks. And if we are not wearing them and you would prefer that we do, please ask. We will wash our hands frequently. We will maintain a sanitary distance as part of our work.

We are working hard to honor our commitments to our clients, to our colleagues, to our families and our community.

We know your schedules and routines may not be normal. We know ours will not be normal. We will adapt to serve you to the fullest extent.

Contact us at 434-363-4565 to schedule an appoint, or to reschedule an appointment. We look forward to taking care of your home, so you can take care of you and your family.